June 28 he called me up and told me to meet him at the studio that he needs to pick up his gear for his 2 newest tracks Club Military and Chop Koboko. he picked up his very close friend and artist Lady Adasa to participate in the photo shoot.he told me to get a koboko for him at the market,not knowing the difference i got a cane instead,running out of time we had to proceed.
That was the longest time ive spent with him.
I remember the jokes in the studio very well.we were yabbing ice prince's neck
I remember the last handshake after you told me you'll call me up the next morning.
I only believed you were gone yesterday when i saw your poster.
Only God knows why things happen the way they do.
This is my Tribute to you my friend,brother and Artist
May Your Soul Rest in Peace and in the heart of Almighty God
Sent me this pic after he was done with my Beat
Photo shoot for Club Military and Chop Koboko 2 hours before his death.
Chop Koboko
Club Military
men guy i misss you man..